Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Well Hello There

Welcome to my new blog.  If you are reading this then you will be excited to know that this will be updated weekly or more so.  This blog contains the happenings of a guy with big dreams and a new way of thinking and looking at the world.  My name is Mitch Baldwin and I am 25 years old living in Hollywood, CA.  I am currently working on several projects so this will give you some insight as to which one will hopefully make it to the eyes of the rest of America. 

Firstly I am the head producer of an awesome show so titled the Naughty Show here in Hollywood.  Its an awesome mix of pornstars, comedians, audience interaction, sketches, and videos, with a little Improv and dildo thrown in there this is the coolest show by far that has ever seen the streets of Hollywood.  Check it out:

Currently I have also dipped my hand in writing.  I have written comedy for a while but mostly in the form of sketch comedy.  I am currently working on an amazing TV pilot.  Its a sort of travel show that features a bunch of fun characters that is coming together much better than planned.
In case you wanna see who I'm working with check this out.

Also have jumped into the UCB most recently and have had a blast training with these guys and learning everything I can.  Its an amazing school which teaches people the true craft of being funny at any moment. 

Anyways you are sure to get rants, raves, drugs, reviews, and whatnot on this blog.  I thought I'd share it with the world and put my stuff here.  

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